organizing life


Two more full days!! 

Tomorrow is enjoying my family, thinking through all the random stuff I need to bring to my parents house (recovery for the first few days.)

My kids will go to my parents Monday night and spend the night so hubby and I can get up, out and to surgery at 6:30am Tuesday.  They’ll have FUN at grandparents house and I will have that last night free!  My husband will be at a meeting and I will likely go to a movie.

Starting the stool softeners tomorrow… two days before surgery, per recommendation from plastic surgeon!

Life Pre and Post April 7th

I was at my sons preschool today.  Parent Teacher conferences are… April 8th and 9th, day 2 and 3 after my surgery!  Lovely.  I’m going to schedule for a week or two later.  It’s not just that I’ll be unable to be there, but my husband will either be dealing with ME or our kids, I’ll have a doctor appointment then, etc.  It’s just not the headspace to talk about preschool and child development!

I also have no idea or memory of who I’ve told and who I haven’t, so there is this wonderfully ackward set of statements I make, uncertain if I’m repeating myself, boring someone, or it’s all BRAND new (then see my judgement post about how defensive I feel for what I perceive is a generally superficial surgery…. )

I’ve opened up a floodgate of potential work in my consulting business which is great, but not so much when I’m walking down the tunnel of doom.  I can’t keep up with things now, then add a massive surgery and recovery time???  I’ll be an idiot for a good few weeks and have no idea where I was with clients.  Oh well.  It’s all worth it in the end, right…